
Sometimes I have excellent thoughts, and then I write them down. Sometimes I have regular thoughts, and I write those down too. Sometimes they're at least funny.

Here, you'll also find updates on whatever game I'm currently working on. Check 'em out to see cool stuff, but also to sometimes see me fail most heinously! Gamedev is hard.

Shino-kun Finally Hits Consoles!

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He has returned!

Welcome to 2025!

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Things just keep going

Let Me Translate Your Games!

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Let me work! LET ME WORK!

Update 2024

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Been a while, hasn’t it?

Triple Update

POST | | #PogoGirl #Mega Drive #JettyCat #Shino-kun

A new game, an old game, and a Mega Drive game? Excellent!

Go! Go! Pogogirl Is Coming to Mega Drive!

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It is finally happening: Go! Go! PogoGirl is coming to the Sega Mega Drive!

Kid Bubblegum Is Out Now!

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It’s time to kick ass and shoot bubblegum!

Play the Kid Bubblegum Demo at Next Fest Now!

POST | | #Kid Bubblegum #Demo #Steam

Kicking ass at Steam Next Fest!

Shino-kun is Coming to Consoles, BUT...

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Yes, this is slight clickbait.

Join my Discord!

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Yes, I have my own server now, because why not! (and now the link even works)