Update 2024

Posted August 1, 2024

It’s really time for another update, isn’t it. Well, here’s one! I’ll keep it short and sweet.

First, the big thing: After releasing my latest game, I burnt out. Hardcore. Trying to get this gamedev business off the ground has been one of the most grueling things I’ve ever tried in my life, and after pushing myself too hard I just had to stop for a while. I just couldn’t touch any code, think about marketing, social media, whatever. I just had to step away and focus on other aspects of my life.

Well, I did, and now I’m back. These past few weeks, I’ve been working on a new platformer template of sorts. Basically I’m combining everything I’ve learned across Go! Go! PogoGirl, Chibi Ninja Shino-kun and Kid Bubblegum into one boilerplate platformer project that I can then easily use as a base for new games. It still needs some work and basic features, but once I get it done, prepare for a new game announcement. I already have an idea, and it’s gonna be a sequel. That’s all I’m gonna say about that for now.

As for other news…

Go! Go! PogoGirl on consoles is still happening. There have been some major delays due to personal reasons on almost all fronts (including my burnout, of course) but is still happening. No concrete details yet, but we are getting closer to something tangible. Sorry for the wait, life just sometimes doesn’t give a shit.

Also, Chibi Ninja Shino-kun is still headed to modern consoles. There have been a lot of organizational issues with publishers and so on, but it seems like they’ve finally been sorted out. I’ll keep you updated once we have a release date. Sorry for the wait on this front as well, but paperwork is a bitch.

Finally, in somewhat personal news, I applied for a job at a bar to make ends meet. Gamedev is still my number one priority, and I still consider it my main job (burnout or not), but I just have to take off some of the financial pressure. Most of you probably know that translation work has been keeping me afloat these past couple years, but, well…AI is slowly killing that, so I had to look for yet another alternative until this whole gamedev finally works out.

Anyway, that’s it. Not a lot of good or spectacular news, I know, but it’s better than no news at all. Since I’m feeling better I’ll post new updates more frequently from now on, and once I’ve announced my new game, things will fully get back into gear. Prepare your butts!

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