Tag: Speer
This is a list of all posts, games and tutorials tagged with the tag "Speer".
From Quackshot to Speer
Back when I got my Mega Drive in 1991 I got two games along with it: Sonic the Hedgehog and Castle of Illusion. Not only did these excellent titles provide hours of fun for me and my dad, they also left a huge impression on me. Through their sheer quality, these games became my taste in games. I loved the platforming, the colors, the charm, the easy to grasp mechanics and how they were simply fun.
[Speer] Released!
Well, this day had to come sooner or later: [Speer] is now officially released and available for your buying, downloading and playing pleasure! Grab your Speer and use it to fight your way through this hardcore puzzle-platformer! Throw your Speer into walls and use it as a platform, hurl it at switches, hit enemies in the face with it, power it up with unique abilities…the possibilities are endless!*
Teaching via Level Design Gone Wrong
As you might have seen I have recently released a brand-new preview build of [Speer] and so far it seems that people really like it! However, one person had trouble getting through a certain stage and it turns out that was my fault. The level in question was 2-9: TeleDelivery: Incidentally I’m going to spoil the solution now, so if you want to give it a try yourself first stop reading now and download the build right here!
Speer Preview Released
A new preview build of [Speer] is now up for you to play on itch.io! This one is in beta status, meaning it almost reflects the final game design-wise. Note however that this preview only contains 20 stages, while the final game will have 100. Also, the final game will of course have even more puzzles, gimmicks and hazards! This downloadable build is only meant to whet your appetite a bit and to get me feedback so I can make some final adjustments before the game goes on sale.
HaxeFlixel Tutorial: Single Separation Collisions
Collision detection (and handling) is one of the most fiddly things when it comes to creating games, at least in my experience. There seems to be no shortage of weird bugs and issues that can pop up throughout the entire dev cycle of a game (the weirdest one I’ve encountered so far is this one right here). It’s a good thing then that HaxeFlixel comes with several functions that can take care of it for you.
Hanging on Balloons
One of the best things you can do for yourself in gamedev is to have good tools and an efficient workflow. I’ve already shown how I handle path movement in [Speer] in another post, now I want to show you another small trick I’m using to make level creation easier and quicker. Note: As always this article will show how I’ve implemented it in HaxeFlixel, as that is the framework I’m using.
Path Movement in Speer
I’ve recently been asked about how I did the movement of some Sparkballs in [Speer], more specifically these ones: While the simple answer would be “Path movement, baby!” I thought I’d use the opportunity to go a bit more in depth and show you how I did it. Since [Speer] is powered by HaxeFlixel this is going to focus on that particular framework, although the general approach could easily be implemented in other engines and languages as well.